Frequently asked questions

Answers to the questions we most often receive

The James Bay region, isn’t that too far away?

It’s all relative. From Montreal, you can get to Chibougamau, Oujé-Bougoumou or Chapais by road in just over 8 hours. That’s 2 hours closer than Gaspé! Please note that the region is now called Eeyou Istchee Baie-James.

Aren’t the mosquitoes there as big as airplanes?

No. While the boreal forest is an ideal habitat for insects, their size is similar to that of insects elsewhere in Quebec. Generally, there are fewer insects in Eeyou Istchee Baie-James than in more humid settings such as the Outaouais region, for instance.

It must be cold there?

Yes and no. While this is a northern region with lower temperatures than in other areas of Quebec, the climate here is relatively dry; as a result, winter weather is more pleasant here than it is in Montreal.

Will we receive a warm welcome in Native communities?

Count on it! The Cree are a very welcoming people. Cree communities are increasingly development their tourism offer and want to share their culture and way of life with visitors.

Why go that far if we can see Natives in large cities in the south?

Every Indigenous Nation is distinct and has its own culture. Also, each culture has evolved differently in accordance with its environment. The Cree of Eeyou Istchee Baie-James still pursue a way of life that is close to nature because their living environment is not large urban centres. Accordingly, they devote specific periods during the year to hunting, fishing, and passing on traditional knowledge.

Do I need to fly to get to northern destinations?

Yes and no. While the regional airline, Air Creebec, provides extensive access to Eeyou Istchee Baie-James, the region is also accessible by road.